Home Kitchen

Upstairs, Downstairs, and in the Kitchen

Upstairs, Downstairs, and in the Kitchen

As many of you may already know, I spent two weeks last month in Ireland with a group of fellow classmates on an NYU Food Studies graduate study abroad program. During the course of our time together we crisscrossed the lush, green country and studied Ireland's food culture, food systems, agriculture industry, history, and the current gastronomic landscape. As part of the course assignments we put together a blog with each student contributing once per week. For the next couple of posts I will be sharing my blogs from the trip - I hope you enjoy!

What's In Your Pantry? First Thing - Know What To Clear Out...

What's In Your Pantry? First Thing - Know What To Clear Out...

I hope you enjoyed the Paris series that wrapped up last time. My next series of posts will bring things back closer to home, specifically into your pantry. For the first installment of the Nutritionista's guide to building a natural foods pantry I will focus on clearing out.