
Gluten-Free Food Shopping in Paris

Gluten-Free Food Shopping in Paris

This post will wrap up my series dedicated to eating gluten-free in Paris. If you have missed any of the prior posts be sure to look back and catch up. When you are traveling for an extended period of time it is always a good idea to check out local supermarkets for snacks and preparing your own meals.

Noglu in Paris

Noglu in Paris

This post I am very excited to share my most favorite Parisian gluten-free place of all, Noglu. There are two locations with different approaches located right across from one another in Paris - Noglu Boutique-Atelier and Noglu Restaurant & Épicerie - and as of this past fall a brand new NYC location on the Upper East Side.

Helmut Newcake in Paris

Helmut Newcake in Paris

This post I will be talking about another favorite gluten-free spot I discovered in Paris last summer called Helmut Newcake. There were two locations then - one near the Canal Saint Martin and the other in La Madeliene. The first location has since closed and the website indicates that a new project is in process - let's hope it is an expanded café coming soon!

Chambelland in Paris

Chambelland in Paris

If you are just tuning into the gluten-free Paris series you should read the prior two posts for context before this one. In this post I will start featuring my favorite gluten-free spots in Paris. Our first stop is Cambelland...

Naturally Gluten-Free French Food

Naturally Gluten-Free French Food

This post will continue my series on gluten-free eating in France, focusing specifically on normally gluten-less French foods. There are a substantial number of common French foods that are naturally gluten-free and can be enjoyed while you are touring around Paris...

Why Gluten-Free?

Why Gluten-Free?

Sorry for the delay in my latest post. I will make the wait worth it by giving you a delicious insider scoop! I am going to be doing a series of posts on gluten-free dining in Paris. I spent over a month there this past summer and had a glorious time filled with amazing food. The first part of the series is a bit about why I am gluten-free and what gluten-free means. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Chocolate Chip Cookies - GF, DF, Paleo

Chocolate Chip Cookies - GF, DF, Paleo

Just like many of you I am a sucker for a chewy, oven-fresh chocolate chip cookie. Since going gluten free a few years back my choices have become more limited - especially when eliminating the store-bought, overly processed variations I refuse to buy.